Our Sensory NeuroScience Study will be presented at CRC 2017 on Oct 17th in Chicago

Do you want to deliver more predictive insights? What about partnering with Brand and product teams who embrace agile market research methods? The Corporate Researchers Conference (CRC) is perfect for you.

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Marketing Brainology is proud to present again at this great conference, October 16th-18th in Chicago, IL.

We are presenting with Roberta Perry, Vice-President of Business Development at Edwards Technologies. We will be discussing How to Activate the Senses Using NeuroScience.

Our 4:30 pm session on Tuesday, October 17th will help you understand how consumers react to stimuli in the digital world. With the significant investments in messaging we are all making on digital, we need to understand the intended impact – on the senses, emotions and, & our actions.

Neuroscience tools allow us to capture a person’s immediate reaction to digital signage and other immersive experiences. We collect information about emotional engagement, including how the senses are activated. Hear more about our sensory neuroscience study and best practices to create engaging content with a strong emotional connection.

For more information about this conference, go to the website below


Get $150 off using the code CRC150.

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Corporate Researchers Conference!

You can reach us at MarketingBrainology.com or reach out to me personally by email (madams@marketingbrainology.com) or cell (214-491-9638).

Michelle Adams, Ph.D.